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“Prior to this past years work with Missy, I woke up every day with aches and pains from past sports injuries. They included tender ankles, achy knees, lower back pain, shoulder pain and neck issues. I was really starting to feel time taking its toll. I now roll out of bed with nothing but gratitude. […]

Testimonial by Jennifer


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Puberty is a common culprit of core dysfunction. Teenagers are already uncomfortable in their own skin – then, their ‘friend’ shows up bringing bloated belly and cramps making them want to curl up in a corner. (some pal)  Menstrual discomfort causes a disconnect from your body and compensatory movement patterns set in.  Think about it- […]

Puberty Pattern


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Wanna stop doing “killer ab” workouts and ACTUALLY start getting a smaller waist? 🙌 I hear ya!  When exercising, most people torture themselves for hours, wondering… 👉When will my back stop hurting? 👉How can I get my stomach to get more sculpted? 👉Why is my belly staying the same size? So what’s the problem?… the […]

Core Solution


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This quiz will identify your limiting factor or your key to success... you decide.

What's your core personality? TAKE THE QUIZ

Just what the doctor ordered 

Your Primary 
CO     E 

Hey there let's get socal




core program

