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When you lack stability, you grip onto anything you can in order to maintain a sense of control. Once you find a reliable source, you over burden it until there is a breakdown.  Finances, for example. Financial instability is no fun because you can’t enjoy dining out, vacations, shopping AND you are always stressed out […]

Foot Pain


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“The lens we choose creates our reality.” Stop blaming yourself for your broken core. ➡️It’s not your fault. You have been forcing yourself into a faulty fitness framework that focuses on outdated techniques. Traditional core strengthening exercises cause abdominal pressure which protrudes your belly, pushes into your pelvic floor, puts stress on your back, increases […]

Fresh Lens


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Wanna stop doing “killer ab” workouts and ACTUALLY start getting a smaller waist? 🙌 I hear ya!  When exercising, most people torture themselves for hours, wondering… 👉When will my back stop hurting? 👉How can I get my stomach to get more sculpted? 👉Why is my belly staying the same size? So what’s the problem?… the […]

Core Solution


take the quiz

This quiz will identify your limiting factor or your key to success... you decide.

What's your core personality? TAKE THE QUIZ

Just what the doctor ordered 

Your Primary 
CO     E 

Hey there let's get socal




core program

