☕️ hold onto your mug…
❌You are never going to get rid of your back pain.
❌Your belly is always going to bulge.
Sorry ’bout making you spit out your latte, but it’s time you heard the truth.
If you wake up expecting to feel familiar pains and look a certain way, you are living in the past. Day after day, you are anticipating yesterday’s body. And guess what? Your old body continues to show up.
Say wha????🙀
Ok, here it is again… you are never going to get rid of your core issues if you allow your past body to become your future body. AND, if you continue to do more ab work or more back strengthening exercises on yesterday’s body, you will continue to ‘break’ your core even more.
It’s time to hit the refresh button.
Yup, you need to clear the cache and start from scratch.
The only way you are going to get a new outcome is by reprogramming, repatterning, and retraining your core. Well… that plus you need to rethink what is possible.
One more thing…
I’m on a mission to help ALL women feel and look their best sooooo put down your hot bev and send me a quick dm with your #1 core complaint.
With love,
Missy ❣️