Testimonial by Revi

“It’s hard to explain the improvements I have experienced since my training with Missy started (only 4 months ago) because it has improved different aspects in my life. The lower half of my body: lower back, knees and ankles were constantly inflamed. I stopped working out because my body was hurting afterwards, even walking became a painful task. This was happening for 5 years and I felt weak and frankly – scared. I am a young woman acting and feeling old. I have visited chiropractors, acupuncturists and specialists that helped but didn’t solve. Discomfort was still present. I prayed. I asked the Great Spirit to help because I refused to live the rest of my life compromised. I got my prayers answered only I thought it was going to be a Dr or another specialist I didn’t meet yet. But It was Missy (Spirit works in unpredictable ways 😉 At first I doubted because workouts, even gentle ones, made me feel pain. But Missy’s expertise helped my body/muscles move in a new and corrected way. Muscles I haven’t used in years are now in motion and the tired, overworked muscles can relax now. The body is at ease. The improvement was immediate. First, the back pain subsided, and the hips are less and less inflamed. My husband said my back side stands higher (yeah!!) My feet are happier and I can walk faster and longer with a bigger smile on my face. I play more with my kids, I have an ocean of energy and I am joyful. I stand taller with more pride and no fear. It is all because of the unique, knowledgeable, intuitive-like way Missy is training. A gift from the Highest Spirit.”

-Revi B.

Hey there let's get socal




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