When you lack stability, you grip onto anything you can in order to maintain a sense of control. Once you find a reliable source, you over burden it until there is a breakdown.
Finances, for example. Financial instability is no fun because you can’t enjoy dining out, vacations, shopping AND you are always stressed out worrying how yo get money. If you keep asking your mom, it will damage your relationship and she may stop answering your calls. If you Mac out your credit card, you will pay up the wazoo in interest and get yourself deeper in debt.
Same is true when you lack core stability – your body searches elsewhere. Tension in your feet and calves is likely a core issue.
Think about this… if you reach for a cup out of the cabinet, your core engages so you don’t fall over when you lift your arm. If you lack core control, another part of your body must engage.
For many people, their feet and calves essentially become their core providing the stability their core lacks.
You can get massages and perform trigger point release to relieve the tension, tightness, and pain. BUT, unless you repattern where your body recruits its stability, your feet and calves will continue to be your go-to stabilizers and keep hurting.
So go ahead and get the pain relief you need, but don’t stop there. In order to remove tension from one area, you must engage elsewhere.
Core training will help you reprogram and repattern appropriate engagement and stability so your feet and calves can release their gripping.